KHH Enviros Newsletter – June 3, 2010
Hello everyone,
June and the rain are finally here and I must apologize again for a bit of tardiness. Was sick, didn’t want to send anything of lesser quality, so I waited. But here it is finally.
This month we’ll begin planning for our next major campaign. Previously, we decided to do another Temperature Harvest, though because of timing constraints and all of the students leaving for the summer we’ll probably have to put that off for a while.
Instead, we’ll be beginning a joint Social Marketing Campaign using stickers and a petition/survey campaign regarding parking and traffic laws in downtown Kaohsiung.
You see, the MRT is great, but unless a city creates new laws to make driving more expensive and mass transit cheaper and more convenient, the MRT will always go under-used.
We’re gonna start raising some awareness and hopefully gathering some support.
This month I’d also like to say thank you to those volunteers who gathered all of our Chinese language news. Thanks so much! And of course as always, thanks to Kayla Hardin for doing the English language news.
Beach Clean Up June 20th, Cijin Island. Be there!
KHH Enviros team
1. Green News from Around the Island
2. 台灣環保新聞
3. Green Tip – Ecotherapy
4. Event – Ci Jin 旗津沙灘 Beach Clean Up - Part Deux!!
5. Enviro Cartoons-----Getting’ pretty thin K
6. Youtube – (BP) Oil and Water
Green News from Around the Island
Local Enviro News May 2010 Thanks Kayla Hardin for the News!
Local Enviro News May 2010 Thanks Kayla Hardin for the News!
Open Letter PVC Campaign / USA
The Center for Health, Environment and Justice (CHEJ) thanks Ethecon for awarding Formosa Plastics Group, its CEO Lee Chih-tsuen, as well as its founder and capital provider, the Wang Family, this year’s 2009 Black Planet award. Formosa Plastics is one of the largest manufacturers of PVC plastic in the world, and PVC is without a doubt the most toxic plastic for our health and environment. No other plastic contains or releases as many dangerous chemicals. These include dioxins, phthalates, vinyl chloride, ethylene dichloride, lead, cadmium, and even bisphenol A. There’s no safe way to manufacture, use or dispose of PVC products throughout its lifecycle.
Methanol gas poisoning kills 2, harms 4 others
Two of the six workers poisoned by methanol gas at a leather tanning factory died yesterday while four others are still fighting for their lives at two hospitals in central Changhua County. Labor affairs officials in Changhua said the incident was caused by the breaching of industrial safety regulations as the mishap should have been averted with adequate safety measures. They ordered suspension of operations at the leather processing plant and the environmental protection company retained to undertake maintenance tasks until they pass safety examination.
Researchers turn used cooking oil to compost
Researchers from the Tainan District Agricultural Research and Extension Station in Sinhua Township, Tainan County, have developed a way to turn used cooking grease into compost.
Foreigners in Taiwan give eco-friendly tips
Dozens of foreigners described various practical ways of helping minimize the impact of global warming in a Chinese contest in Taipei.
Ma urges Taiwan to be competitive in green industry
President Ma Ying-jeou urged companies to go green and become competitive in the increasingly important renewable energy industry, while pledging to help the government catch up with the private-sector's pace to “jointly foster Taiwan's green competitiveness.”
Taiwan can become model of energy conservation: LED industry sources
The LED industry has a positive attitude toward President Ma Ying-jeou's recent emphasis on environmental protection and green energy, and believes Taiwan can become a world model for energy conservation and carbon emissions reduction, industry sources said.
Environmental education mandatory in Taiwan
Ma urges Taiwan to be competitive in green industry
President Ma Ying-jeou urged companies to go green and become competitive in the increasingly important renewable energy industry, while pledging to help the government catch up with the private-sector's pace to “jointly foster Taiwan's green competitiveness.”
Taiwan can become model of energy conservation: LED industry sources
The LED industry has a positive attitude toward President Ma Ying-jeou's recent emphasis on environmental protection and green energy, and believes Taiwan can become a world model for energy conservation and carbon emissions reduction, industry sources said.
Environmental education mandatory in Taiwan
The Legislative Yuan yesterday passed the Environmental Education Act as law. Once enacted, the act will require students and staff of the nation's schools, government bodies, businesses and organizations to attend at least four hours per year of government-funded curriculum on environmental education.
Taipower's incentive plan helps to conserve electricity
Taipower said that since electricity conservation incentive measures were put into effect in July 2008, there has been a conservation total of 7.3 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity, an amount comparable to the total electricity used by Kaohsiung residents for two years, or Taipei residents for one year.
An elementary school in Chiayi County is going into the green energy business after an alumnus in the high-tech field donated a solar power plant to help the school generate a sustainable income stream in the future.
Rescued endangered green turtles released
Marine workers released two green sea turtles near the Pratas Islands after the animals were rescued and rehabilitated, the Marine National Park Headquarters (MNPH) under the Ministry of the Interior said.
Asia's first hybrid-powered UAV makes 1st flight
Rescued endangered green turtles released
Marine workers released two green sea turtles near the Pratas Islands after the animals were rescued and rehabilitated, the Marine National Park Headquarters (MNPH) under the Ministry of the Interior said.
Asia's first hybrid-powered UAV makes 1st flight
Asia's first unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) powered by a fuel cell and lithium battery hybrid made its maiden flight in southern Taiwan, marking a milestone in Taiwan's development of green-powered drone aircraft.
Academia Sinica will not move planned biotech park
The Academia Sinica, the nation's highest academic body, stressed that it will not move the planned national biotechnology park from the location of an army depot in Nangang District, Taipei, and will meticulously carry out relevant environmental evaluations before moving to build the park.
Formosa may face criminal probe over water pollution: local gov't
Taiwan's Kaohsiung County asked prosecutors to start a probe into alleged pollution by Formosa Plastics Corp., the island's biggest maker of polyvinyl chloride, or PVC.
EPA delays data on Formosa Plastic plant
Taiwan's Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) unexpectedly called off a press conference on the environmental impact of Formosa Plastic Group's Jenwu plant, which nearby residents claimed was leaking toxic pollutants.
Rising sea levels threaten Taiwan communities
When worshippers built a temple for the goddess Matsu in south Taiwan 300 years ago, they chose a spot they thought would be safely removed from the ocean. They did not count on global warming.
Academia Sinica will not move planned biotech park
The Academia Sinica, the nation's highest academic body, stressed that it will not move the planned national biotechnology park from the location of an army depot in Nangang District, Taipei, and will meticulously carry out relevant environmental evaluations before moving to build the park.
Formosa may face criminal probe over water pollution: local gov't
Taiwan's Kaohsiung County asked prosecutors to start a probe into alleged pollution by Formosa Plastics Corp., the island's biggest maker of polyvinyl chloride, or PVC.
EPA delays data on Formosa Plastic plant
Taiwan's Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) unexpectedly called off a press conference on the environmental impact of Formosa Plastic Group's Jenwu plant, which nearby residents claimed was leaking toxic pollutants.
Rising sea levels threaten Taiwan communities
When worshippers built a temple for the goddess Matsu in south Taiwan 300 years ago, they chose a spot they thought would be safely removed from the ocean. They did not count on global warming.
Organic farms to reach 5,000 hectares in 2012
Taiwan's organic farms are expected to compose 5,000 hectares, or 0.6 percent, of the country's total agricultural land by 2012, says Agriculture and Food Agency Director-General Chen Wen-deh.
President touts 'Lamp for Africa' project
President Ma Ying-jeou expressed hope that the “Lamp for Africa” solar-powered lighting project that Taiwan is promoting in Burkina Faso will be expanded to benefit more schoolchildren in other African ally countries.
2. 台灣環保新聞
謝謝Monica, Samuel, A mi, Shin yi wei
暖化議題引起全球關注,台師大視覺設計系副教授林俊良設計的「全球暖化 Global Warming」海報,以深淺不一的藍色極簡色調,呈現環保意念、人類無法置身事外的意象,....
一般人都知道廚餘可以回收再利用,不過,台灣行之有年的「家戶廚餘回收」計畫,目前在歐 美國家都沒實施。由於家戶回收成效良好,還曾吸引澳門、香港,甚至是日本來台觀摩取經,可說...
不 容忽視的環保功臣 隱身在新建建築物的污水處理設施 隨著經濟復甦,各地房市交易頻繁,處處聳立的新建建築物的設置及啟用後,其所伴隨的是生活污水排放處理的問 題。在台灣下水道尚未完全普及的情況下,民......(詳 全文)
日本環境省與日本塗料檢查協會等3個單位進行實驗,測試建築屋外塗料或建材改進或材質替 換等方式,是否可降低屋內空調系統能源消耗與改善都市熱島效應問題。結果顯示,屋外塗料及建材改善確實可達到降低空調耗能、減少人為熱氣排放、與改善熱島 效應等效果。環境省近日公布完整實證報告,並將公布於網站供民眾下載,相關產品應用亦將於10月份在橫濱公開展示。
Tzu Chi,tzuchi,慈濟,證嚴法師,慈濟人,慈善,醫療,教育,人文,佛教,大愛,環保,骨髓捐贈
Green Tip – Ecotherapy
This month’s Green Tip is less of a tip and more of a reminder; a reminder that we all need to get outside sometime and just be with the trees.
There is loads of evidence to support that the simple act of walking around in nature can help relieve stress, improve physical health and generally just make you a happier and more content person. In fact, two new disciplines have been created in recent years to address just that connection: Ecopsychology and Ecotherapy. For more information on this fascinating new area of study and practice go to
This Green Tip is for all of us who just like getting out of the city to a quiet place, and even more for those who want to be like that but don’t know where to start.
If you live in Southern Taiwan, as most of our members do, you might’ve heard of the adventure tours group Blue Skies Adventures owned and operated by Mark Roche. If you’re looking for someone to take care of all the little details, Mark is your guy! His trips include everything from tough triathlons to mild hikes and everywhere in between including rafting, day trips to Taiwan’s most beautiful lakes and diving for the experienced and beginners alike.
Find Mark and Blue Skies Adventures on the Internet here
For those more experienced in doing the independent thing, try some of these websites to get you to some places you’ve never been before:
- Kenting National Park (Not just a beach, there’s lots more to this place)

And of course, one of the best ways to bring nature to you is simply to fill your house with plants.
Here are some tips on balcony gardening:
And for the SUPER interested with a roof to play with, check out this website on a new trend that’s sweeping Europe as an eco-friendly way to retro-fit your roof: GREEN ROOFING
Remember, when you go out into nature, take responsibility for it and keep it clean.
Hiker’s Creed – “Take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints.”
Event – Ci Jin 旗津沙灘 Beach Clean Up - Part Deux!!
Date日: Sunday, 20 June 2010
Time時間: 15:00 - 17:00
Location地點: Meet Xi Zih Wan 西子灣 MRT Station Exit 1 (1號出口)
We had so much fun last time, we're goin' back.
Something attractive about arriving at a nice beach and leaving behind a beautiful beach ;-)
Meet Xi Zih Wan MRT station at 3:00pm.
Just bring yourself; we'll take care of the rest.
下午 3:00在西子灣MRT見面
Sign up for the event on our Facebook Page!/event.php?eid=121768644520284
Enviro Cartoons
Sometimes oil and water don’t mix, and sometimes they do.
This is a spoof of BP’s commercials trying to convince people that drilling for oil is “natural.”
Yeesh, what a bad joke K
Managing Director