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Wednesday, August 4, 2010

KHH Enviros Newsletter #24 - Aug 4, 2010

KHH Enviros Newsletter –August 3, 2010

Hello everyone,

This has been one fantastic July!
We started our organic garden in Ping Dong and we’ve been given the go-ahead to keep on with it over the next couple of months. The fantastic thing is, it’s all being paid for by the National Science Council!!!
Thanks so much to Sylvia Li of the Wufu Senior Girls High School for bringing our group into this project.
For more information, see our blog post about it

Now, this month’s Green Tip was translated by me, Tim the Canadian. Not Tim the fluent in Chinese Canadian. So, if the translation is…um…less than native speaker, don’t be surprised.
If you can help translate next months, that would be FANTASTIC! Just let me know and I’ll send it to you nice and early.

Hope you’re all well and enjoying this oddly rainy, but typhoon free summer! J

Tim & the KHH Enviros team

1.  Green News from Around the Island
2.  台灣環保新聞
3.  Green Tip – Recycling and Kleenex
4.    Youtube – New video collector Lewa!

Green News from Around the Island
Local Enviro News July 2010                                                        
Kayla’s on break in the states so thank you Tim! Ahem, that’s me J
“The fate of my country rests in your hands,” said Ian Fry, the Tuvaluan delegate to the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen, Denmark last year.

A former wildlife conservation panel member and adviser to the Council of Agriculture (COA) was yesterday accused of attempting to profit from illegal sales of the endangered Bengal Tiger, according to the Apple Daily.

The state-run oil company, CPC Corp., Taiwan, announced yesterday to slightly raise the domestic prices for gasoline and diesel oil products by NT$0.10 per liter effective early this morning.

Certified made-in-Taiwan (MIT) products will soon be made available on Taiwan's three main online shopping websites, in addition to 14 major chain stores nationwide that agreed to sell certified local products in their outlets last month, an Industrial Development Bureau official said Sunday.

Major investment projects in Taiwan have been delayed over environmental concerns, with President Ma Ying-jeou vowing to give priority to protecting the environment over economic development.

The Forestry Bureau said yesterday that it would conduct a census on the number of protected animals and implant chips in them after an animal protection group urged government action to enforce wildlife conservation.

An employee who smokes four cigarettes per day during work hours costs his or her employers at least NT$60,000 (US$1,886) a year, according to Department of Health (DOH) estimates.
2.  台灣環保新聞
*       099/07/30 「節能減碳行動標章」來認證 共同打造節能低碳綠生活 環保署為鼓勵並彰顯企業、商家、民間團體與社區落實節能減碳,自即日起至1015日止,舉辦「節能減碳行動標章」活動,凡有意參加本活動之申請單位......(詳全文)
*       099/07/29 環保署公布海灘水質監測結果-屏東縣港口及台北縣福隆近日不宜親水活動 環保署於725日至26日針對全國23處海灘水質,進行今(99)年第5次採樣監測作業,檢測結果除台北縣福隆、屏東縣港口等2處海灘受大雨影響、......(詳全文)
*      point 099/07/27 環評書件查詢系統新增查詢各縣市案件功能 為落實開發計畫環境影響評估資訊公開,擴大環境影響評估資料庫內容,環保署於98年完成「環境影響書件查詢系統」功能擴充,自99年起納入地方環保局......(詳全文)
*      point 099/07/23 澄清媒體報導「高雄縣大寮鄉空污事件七間嫌疑廠商仍在調查沒有結論」內容 針對媒體99722日「大寮空汙案 工業區每年撥付大寮鄉820萬」內容有關大寮空污案七廠嫌疑廠商仍在調查未有結論之報導,環保署表示,高雄縣......(詳全文)
*      point 099/07/22 大寮空污事件圓滿落幕 公害糾紛處理展成效 歷經數十次的協調,高雄縣大寮鄉公所與高雄縣大發工業區廠商協進會(以下稱廠協會)對於敦親睦鄰內容終於獲得共識,並於99722日在大發工業區......(詳全文)
*      point 099/07/20 落實土壤及地下水污染整治法修法規定,環保署訂定評估調查相關辦法 為健全國內事業用地土壤污染檢測機制,導入環境評估調查專業制度,提昇執行與資料品質,特擬訂土污法第八、九條相關子法,包括「土壤及地下水污染整治......(詳全文)
*      point 099/07/16 回應媒體報導「七股遭毒害 環保署堅持不公布真相」 有關民視新聞報導「台南七股廢棄爐碴隨意傾倒問題揭發近3個月,環保署卻遲不公布檢測結果」乙節,環保署嚴正聲明澄清,該署係配合臺灣臺南地方法院檢......(詳全文)
*       099/07/15 夏日海邊戲水,先查詢環保署海灘水質監測結果! 環保署於711日至12日針對全國23處海灘水質進行今(99)年第3次採樣監測作業,檢測結果除通霄海灘受大雨影響、不宜親水活動,而福隆、磯崎......(詳全文)
*      099/07/13 500萬元綠色消費體驗券等你拿 環保署為推廣全民綠色消費,擬導入政府資源,活絡民間綠色消費市場及獎勵消費者優先採購環保標章產品,特甄選2家綠色商店試辦綠色消費體驗券發行計畫......(詳全文)
*       099/06/04 「低碳家園推動策略研討會」建構政府、產業、社團及民眾的合作運行機制 為實現「未來黃金10年」,及 總統揭示「環保救國」,以綠能打造低碳家園的願景目標,環保署以低碳家園建構與綠能產業及綠色生活併行俱進的理念,擬......(詳全文)
記者何沛霖/高市報導﹞「為了維護高雄市空氣品質,政府補貼7500元,鼓勵市民將老舊二行程機車汰換為無污染的電動自行車。為了推廣政策,3日上午環保 局與霹靂布袋戲團隊等單位,在夢時代大道舉辦一場「霹靂彩繪環保電動紀念車發表會」,副市長李永得肯定業者將本土創意文化產業與環保理念結合的行銷策略, 並呼籲市民一起汰換老機車,過低碳生活
Text Box: (如果中文不對我對不起。是外國人寫的。如果你對翻譯有興趣請你通知我們)Green Tip
Recycling depots and Green Products
We've got kind of a mish-mash of Green Tips for you this month.
The good news is that they're both very specific actions you can take.

這是他們的電話 0980 309 776
The first is recycling...we all do it daily, but what about when you have bigger items you want to recycle? Computers, televisions, little electronics, CDs, air conditioners.

Did you know you can make money recycling?

Simply call this number and they'll come by, take your stuff and give you money. 0980 309 776 (You’ll need someone who can speak Chinese to help)

What about stuff that's not on their list? Clothing, household objects, and bits of something that's no longer useful.

There are many recycling depots around Kaohsiung City that you can drop your stuff.
These people are experts at recycling, so if anyone can find a use for your old stuff, they can!

You won't get any more for it, but at least you get peace of mind that your stuff is being used instead of trashed. 他們不會給你錢,可是至少你的東西不在收廢站

Go to our Google Map and you can see one that we've found. If people know of more, please let us know and we'll include them on our map.


The last thing is a quick one. We're looking for more specific products that people can buy that have some sort of environmental standardization.
這是一個小的Tip。如果你要買衛生紙,要保護森林可以買這個名牌 Kleenex

This month we've found toilet paper from Kleenex Company that is internationally certified to use mixed sources.

Kleenex的貨是從FSC正品的。這是有環保的意思。很重要 J

This is important because it shows that at least a certain amount of the paper is from recycled sources, which means less trees are cut down to make the paper

Look for these pictures and symbols when you go to buy your toilet paper.     


This month we have a new person helping to collect our videos: Lewa!
Thanks to her we have THREE videos instead of just 1. Awesome!
-I know you said no depressing videos, but I think at the current time this is quite relevant, and people need to see this. - A fun, upbeat song that adults can sing with the kids ^_^ - Documentary-like short video. Very informative and well-said, but some may find this a little boring.

Take care y’all
Managing Director

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